Tag Archives: productivity

Учиться с умом, или Не все тренинги одинаково полезны

Canva - Empty Classroom with White BoardЗаметили, сколько разных обучающих курсов сейчас на рынке? Начиная от банального «иностранного с дипломом» за 2 года и заканчивая курсом а-ля «как завладеть умами за 5 секунд»?

Мало того, что сейчас каждый второй пытается быть блогером, так ещё при этом каждый первый из них обязательно продаёт какие-то марафоны, интенсивы и курсы. И все это настолько бурно заливается в нас по всем информационным каналам, что невольно начинаешь хотеть купить ну хоть что-нибудь, ну хоть вон тот малю-ю-юсенький «по цене чашки кофе». Continue reading Учиться с умом, или Не все тренинги одинаково полезны

Freelancers Can Work Anywhere. No!

IMG_20190731_161058The beauty of freelance is that you can always find some time for your nearest and dearest even in the middle of the week. For example, you can go to the country retreat for your sister’s birthday and even make a cake for her.

And there surely should come some BUT… Funny but the minus of freelance is absolutely the same! My parents think that we should take off running to help them plant potatoes at any day of the week. Or even better: “Please come and live here with us for several days! You surely can work anywhere you like!». Well… You look at them and don’t even know what to say, so that not to offend.

Continue reading Freelancers Can Work Anywhere. No!

How Not to Turn Comfortable Deadline Into a Disaster?


Time-management is probably among the hottest topics for any freelancer. Tons of posts about productivity and effective time-management are published every week on the Internet.

Today I’d like to discuss a problem of long-term projects with flexible or too comfortable deadlines. Someone may ask me: “Where is the problem? All of us dream of big projects without any rush”. Yes. And no. When you receive something good, you often receive new challenges. I don’t know how about you, but for me it’s been a real problem not to procrastinate and not to put away work for later. When you know that you have plenty of time at hand, you start doing other things or let yourself have more rest than it makes sense. The end is classic: you suddenly realize that time is running out and finish your “flexible” project in a rush. Continue reading How Not to Turn Comfortable Deadline Into a Disaster?