Tag Archives: translation

Translator: Is It Even a Profession Yet?

Yesterday I saw a post in a social media where the author tried to devaluate skills of translators. He believes that “simple knowledge of a foreign language” should not give you any privileges and there is no need to pay reasonable money for your work because today anybody can easily do the same or the AI will do it for them.

Eh, what? Seriously? Why on earth I was so sure that most people finally could see difference between speaking a foreign language and being able to translate. But it looks like I probably live in some filter bubble and most of us really don’t know anything about professions other than theirs.

So, here I am — writing basic things on translation and fair payment. *Sorry if they seem too obvious for some of you.*

  • Any job should be paid fairly. If a translator spends 5 hours localizing your video content, they should get fair payment for these 5 hours of their time! If you think that this job is easy enough and it can be done by anyone speaking the language or by machine translator — no problem! Hire the first available person ready to work for food or use AI — and be satisfied with the result you get (I’m not sure your audience will be satisfied though). But if you hire a professional translator specializing in the field, you should be ready to pay: for their knowledge, expertise, and quality output.
  • We all hear about AI too much these days. Yes, translators are among those who are under threat. But most of us forget that there are a lot of languages in the world and machine translation can cope only with a few language pairs at a decent level. Moreover, the list of topics suitable for AI is also quite limited due to specifics of terminology, style and many more nuances clear only for experienced translators. I’ll get back to this sensitive AI topic later, in another post.
  • You know this thing, when a housewife’s job is never noticed if it is done well, but always noticed when it isn’t done? Absolutely the same happens with good translation. People rarely give translators credit while reading great text or enjoying great movie. And still, we always notice when translation is bad: we stumble over awkward phrases or wrong terminology, laugh at literal translation of idioms, miss the charm of cinema because of low-quality translation or swear when our favorite mobile games get poor localization.

Yet through it all, a lot of us still think that translator is not a profession worth solid compensation, it’s just a regular skill like ability to talk or walk.

Unfair, isn’t it?

Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash

Байки из жизни фрилансера: как я с ударениями боролась

nk031В своей работе я постоянно открываю для себя новые грани русского языка. И это при том, что я закончила филфак! Правда отделение романо-германской филологии, но все же…

Как письменный переводчик я иногда понимаю, как многого я еще не знаю о пунктуации! О, этот дивный мир русских запятых, тире и двоеточий. Вот вы знали, например, что слово НАПРИМЕР (какая ирония) далеко не всегда выделяется запятыми? И как раз в случае со всякими руководствами пользователей, с которыми мы обычно имеем дело, оно зачастую именно НЕ выделяется. Continue reading Байки из жизни фрилансера: как я с ударениями боролась

Freelancers Can Work Anywhere. No!

IMG_20190731_161058The beauty of freelance is that you can always find some time for your nearest and dearest even in the middle of the week. For example, you can go to the country retreat for your sister’s birthday and even make a cake for her.

And there surely should come some BUT… Funny but the minus of freelance is absolutely the same! My parents think that we should take off running to help them plant potatoes at any day of the week. Or even better: “Please come and live here with us for several days! You surely can work anywhere you like!». Well… You look at them and don’t even know what to say, so that not to offend.

Continue reading Freelancers Can Work Anywhere. No!

How I Built My Direct Client Base (without Using Translation Portals)

Although this post is almost 2 years old, it is more than relevant for freelance translators today. Paula gives excellent tips on how to find direct clients who are enoyable to cooperate with. Of course we should take into account some local differences and nuances. For example, in the city where I live there is almost no sense to look for local direct clients, because most of them are not able to offer you decent rates. Moreover, they offer rates lower than those on bidding platforms. But still we have a lot of online opportunities which can be used to the maximum.

Translator's Digest

Looking for clients

Many years ago (as some of you might recall), there was a huge debate as to whether certain translation portals were directly decreasing translation rates through their bidding systems. Many of us raised serious objections to changes to their job boards and a lot of longstanding and well-respected members fled some of these sites –one site in particular took the most heat. But in that debate, I also remember many translators claiming that without such portals, we would not be able to find clients or get work. Of course, most of these claims came from newbies who could not account for how anyone made a living as a translator before the internet age. But even among those of us who had been around for a few years at that point, there were those who still depended on these sites for work. I was one of them.

The impulsiveness of my…

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Website Localization for Dummies: 3 Basic Things You Should Know About


In the age of the Internet it would be insane for any business not to have a website. Moreover, it is globalization that dictates the pace, and if you want to be a part of the global economy you should get not only an up-to-date website but a website translated into several languages.

For a person unfamiliar with the world of translation and localization it can be a real challenge to figure out what to start with. Some insight into the topic would be a use for those thinking about going beyond national borders. Continue reading Website Localization for Dummies: 3 Basic Things You Should Know About